Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fitness Update

First - a recap - I think the last time I checked in I was whining about what I couldn't do in yoga and feeling so humbled by it after being in good shape and doing jazzercise for so many months and how different the two are. Well I have moved beyond that! Like most things in my life - when I am faced with a challenge, I attack it head on. No one would ever say I'm not a determined person once I set my mind to something.

For the past several weeks I've been going to yoga about 5x/week. Mostly power yoga classes, with a couple basic and restorative classes thrown in. This week I even did a double - a power class followed by restorative - which was awesome! I'm amazed at my improvement and increased strength and how I feel.  Last week I got a better handle on my crow pose - at least a couple seconds before crashing down :) I was even able to do a supported headstand against the wall (assisted). I also started in position to get the feeling of what kicking up into a handstand should feel like. And that low plank of mine in chatarunga is getting much stronger! It makes me feel amazing and really shows how a continued practice builds onto itself each day.

On the downside - I've barely made it to Jazzercise - last week not at all and the week before only twice. I need to find a better balance in my week to get it in a few times because I really enjoy it - but I find that if I do that in the morning and yoga at night, I'm worn out by day 2. So, have to try something else this week!

It's also very exciting that we're finally at the first day of Spring! YAY! I am so so done with Winter. Spring means we can start going to Kensington for walks with Izzie in the morning again. I love the peacefulness of walking along the lake out in nature and the special time with Izzie and Thad. :)

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