Saturday, February 18, 2012


Thad and I are on vacation! It has been a long time since we've gone away together. We are of course headed down to Florida for the week. Today is my nephew Brandon's 8th birthday. He is so grown up! He's at a Panthers hockey game tonight with 4 friends. So cliche to say, I know, but time goes by so quickly!

We left home after lunch today so Thad could get in his conference call (and I got in my last Friday morning yoga class with Cheryl - more on that next time!). 10 plus hours later, we are now finally getting off I75 for the night. Very excited to be stopping and visiting the Coopers outside Atlanta! I met Jenn through LM and we've both gone through a lot of changes in our lives. She lost a great amount of weight a year or so before me and fell in love with running. She has been an inspiration! Tomorrow morning Thad and I are taking her for her first yoga class! Maybe next time l visit I'll have trained more with running and can go out for a run with her!


  1. Have fun on your vacation and enjoy the time with your family. Tell Jen hello for me.

  2. Have a great vacation and how fun to visit with Jenn and the family!!
