Monday, September 13, 2010

It's Healthy . . .

but not a good enough reason to eat too much of it!

The past two weeks have been smaller weight losses for me and I know why. I've done well during the week and then the weekend hits and delicious food tempts me. Last weekend it was too much wine and good food at Arts Beats and Eats, this weekend it was trying too many yummy foods at the Ann Arbor Homegrown Festival and then topping the night off with some frozen custard. Oh and did I mention the apple crumble I made last night from honey crisp apples I picked on Friday? Yes, it was a healthy recipe that should have been only 250 cal for the dessert but I'm pretty certain my portion sizes were probably more like 400+. Treating yourself every now and then is a good thing, but I've clearly been doing it too often lately.

Before this weekend the scale said I was down my usual weekly amount and I was feeling great about how well I'd done all week with food choices and how much I'd worked out. Then my weekly official weigh in came this morning and I knew I'd overdone it this weekend. It seems throughout the past two weeks I am gaining and then losing within a 4lb range. Thad has too and he blames the scale, but I know that's not it. So, here's to a new week of eating healthy and being conscious of my portion size! I have a meal plan ready, I've grocery shopped, and I'm heading to Jazzercise this morning.

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