Sunday, July 31, 2011

Love What Is

I cannot lay claim to the title of this post - it's actually from the September 2011 issue of Yoga Journal. This is called a 'centering practice'. I thought it would be great to share with friends - you don't have to have ever done yoga to benefit from taking a few minutes to do this - take the time to appreciate the moment in which you live. Find a quiet space and follow this practice:

Love What Is

Take a very deep breath in and a very slow breath out.

Sit up very straight. Notice that as your spine lengthens, your heart opens.

Now breathe into the space o an open heart - feel into the space of an open heart.

A heart that is empty, a heart that holds the whole world.

Breathe into a heart that can hold the whole world.

Feel into a heart that can hold the whole world.

Breate into the sweetness of this moment.

Feel into the sweetness of this moment.

Allow yourself to be wholeheartedly alive and well in the life you have, now.

by Rolf Gates

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